Build Order Reference

Chinese 23 pop Scouts

The Chinese start is worth practising as it is fairly difficult, and their starting 'bonus' can actually put you behind if you are not practiced with it. Scouts are considered their standard opening for 1v1. As their start is quite unique, here are some additional pointers:

Build Order wood food gold stone
7 on sheep 7
3 on wood 3 7
1 lure boar 3 8
5 on berries 3 13
+2 on boar, move 1 to farm 3 15
Rest to wood [2nd LC] 7 15
Advancing to Feudal
↑11 on wood, +1 farm (2) 11 11
Build barracks
Benchmarks A+ A B C D E
23 pop Feudal 7:40 7:50 8:00 8:15 8:40 9:10
8 scouts + bloodlines 16:00 16:25 16:50 17:20 17:50 18:30
Click Castle 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:40 20:30

Hera: Civ Guide