Build Order Reference

28 pop Drush - Archers

Since straight archers is usually too slow a build for 1v1, you usually want to open with something else to buy time to mass them. Therefore, the main purpose of a Dark age rush is to harass a delay your opponent with your three militia; any villager kills are a bonus.

Build Order wood food gold stone
6 on sheep 6
4 on wood 4 6
1 lure boar 4 7
4 on berries 4 11
1 mine 10g, then food
1 build barracks, make 3 militia
+1 on wood 5 12
Rest on sheep, move 3 to farms 5 19
Advancing to Feudal
↑11 on wood (2 LCs), 4 to gold, 2 on stragglers 13 7 4
Build 2 ranges, make archers
Double-bit axe
↑8 on gold 11 7 8
Build blacksmith, get fletching
+ farms
Wheelbarrow, then more to wood/farms 14 16 8
Benchmarks A+ A B C D E
28 pop Feudal (inc. 3 militia) 9:15 9:25 9:35 9:50 10:15 10:45
6 archers + fletching 14:20 14:40 15:05 15:30 16:00 16:35
Click Castle with 22 archers 19:15 19:45 20:15 20:45 21:25 22:15